Edrx's page and home stuff This is the main "README" file. Eduardo Ochs, 2005oct16 Latest version: htmlized: Instructions (for debian sarge/sid): apt-get install emacs21 zsh ;# essential apt-get install fvwm xterm ;# essential for running on X apt-get install expect emacs21-el elisp-manual ;# almost essential apt-get install grep-dctrl w3m-el ;# not essential apt-get install emacs-lisp-intro ;# not essential # If your username is "me": mkdir -p /home/me/tmp/edrx/ ;# but can be any dir cd /home/me/tmp/edrx/ wget http://angg.twu.net/edrx.tgz tar -xvzf edrx.tgz ./run-zsh After `run-zsh' you'll be running zsh with HOME=/home/me/tmp/edrx, SHELL=/path/to/zsh, etc, and with a prompt like: /home/me/tmp/edrx(me:ma)# _ \---------------/ ^ ^ current | \------ two first chars of machine name (hostname) directory username Then run `prep-home-cdd'. That just creates some empty dirs and symlinks, and only needs to be run once. Then you'll be in my environment. Note that my .zshrc is *huge* - it defines many shell functions and aliases. See: (find-angg "edrx1") (find-angg ".zshrc" "a") The rest of this file is very old and doesn't apply anymore. --snip--snip--snip--snip-- Version: 2001may30. This file is here (i.e., inside edrx.tgz) mainly to tell you what to do with the stuff that you have just unpacked. Note: the instructions below are for Linux, and when things get too specific they will generally be referring to a system running Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 ("potato"). There are some notes at the end about using this with FreeBSD and Hurd, though. Suppose that you have downloaded the package and unpacked it with the following commands (you can use other directories, this is just an example): # Download to ~/edrx.tgz (the .tgz is less than 950KB): cd wget http://angg.twu.net/edrx.tgz # Unpack in /tmp/edrx/: rm -Rv /tmp/edrx/ mkdir /tmp/edrx/ cd /tmp/edrx/ tar -xvzf ~/edrx.tgz Then you can use /tmp/edrx/ as a home directory containing my initialization scripts (.zshrc, .emacs, etc); the following command will start zsh "on /tmp/edrx/", and you'll be on a copy of my environment on your machine: HOME=/tmp/edrx zsh and from inside this zsh you can run these very impressive demos, that simulate (more explanations in a moment!) a user interacting with screen, emacs and a shell; the first demo ("demo emacs1") is an unfinished basic Emacs tutorial, and the second one ("demo gdbk") shows how a user that understands the e-script tricks (hyperlinks, saving blocks of code as shell or gdb scripts, etc) would use a certain e-script to compile a C program and single-step through it using gdb inside Emacs.