Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
-- This file:
--   http://anggtwu.net/LUA/ParseIrcLogs1.lua.html
--   http://anggtwu.net/LUA/ParseIrcLogs1.lua
--          (find-angg "LUA/ParseIrcLogs1.lua")
-- Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
-- (defun e () (interactive) (find-angg "LUA/ParseIrcLogs1.lua"))
-- (find-es "eev" "lumie-5-year-old")
-- (find-es "rcirc" "propertize")
-- (find-TH "2024-eev-for-5-year-olds")

lumielog = [=[
<Lumie> edrx: maybe you can give me a summary for a 5-year old about it
<edrx> Lumie: let me try
<edrx> Lumie: Emacs was created when computers were much more primitive
       and people were much more creative
<Lumie> I meant eev, but sure
<edrx> Lumie: by people who decided to take their favorite
       programming language - Lisp - and add a few functions to it
       to make a very basic extensible editor in which they could
       write Lisp expressions like, say, (+ 1 2), and execute them
       by putting the cursor after the ")" and typing C-x C-e
<Lumie> edrx: I know!
<edrx> Lumie: that functionality is still present, but most people
       are against - or rather, FEROCIOUSLY against - teaching it
       to beginners
<edrx> Lumie: so, for example, you can paste this into a file in which
       you keep your notes
<edrx> (info "(emacs)Init File")
<Lumie> My bad, I thought you started a lecture on emacs, patience
        was never one of my virtues :)
<edrx> Lumie: and use it as a kind of hyperlink - but you will have to
       execute it with C-e C-x C-e - that I will abbreviate as C-exe -
       instead of clicking on it.
<edrx> the core of eev is a key sequence - M-e - that works as C-exe,
       and lots of features to encourage people to put sexps
       in their notes and use them in hyperlinks.
<edrx> that's "executable notes".
<edrx> but nowadays it is better to start by the feature in the
       screenshots with handwriting near the top of this page:
<edrx> and you can try that by running this:
         (progn (package-install 'eev)
                (find-eev-quick-intro "6.1."))
<edrx> and that's a way to explain eev to a 5-year old
<Lumie> Seems like something I don't see myself using sorry to say,
        my workflow doesn't really need that
<edrx> Lumie: ok
<Lumie> I'm a simple person
<edrx> Lumie: in the last strike that we had here the students
       occupied one of the buildings and I gave a workshop on these
<edrx> the compsci students didn't come, of course
<edrx> and the psychology students liked it because they found it
       fun to play with
<Lumie> :)
<edrx> so for 5-year olds I can say "try it, it is fun!"
<edrx> older kids expect something useful
<bpalmer> edrx: that explanation of eev is very polished, I think.
<edrx> bpalmer: thanks! =)

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