Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
# «.dirs_and_libs»	(to "dirs_and_libs")
# «.shell»		(to "shell")
# «.immed_words»	(to "immed_words")
# «.demos»		(to "demos")

# «dirs_and_libs»  (to ".dirs_and_libs")

proc getenv {vname default} {
  global env
  expr {[info exists env(TMPDIR)]?$env($vname):$default}

proc scriptdir {} { file dirname [info script]] }
proc tmpdir    {} { getenv TMPDIR /tmp }
# (find-angg "CRIM1/crim1a-lib.tcl")
# (find-angg "CRIM1/crim1a-prims.tcl")
source [scriptdir]/crim1a-lib.tcl
source [scriptdir]/crim1a-prims.tcl

# «shell»  (to ".shell")

proc shell {str} { writefile [tmpdir]/crim1.sh "set -v\n$str\nset +v" }
proc finalstuff {skelstem enginestem nasmstem binstem} {
  doCfilestuff [scriptdir]/${skelstem}.skel.c [tmpdir]/${enginestem}.c
  doasmfilestuff [tmpdir]/${nasmstem}.asm
  shell "
    cd [tmpdir]
    nasm -f elf -o ${nasmstem}.o -l ${nasmstem}.lst ${nasmstem}.asm
    gcc -c -o ${enginestem}.o ${enginestem}.c
    gcc -o ${binstem} ${enginestem}.o ${nasmstem}.o

# «immed_words»  (to ".immed_words")

proc asm   {str} { global asm_code; append asm_code $str }
proc gtick {name} { asm "global ADR_$name\n"; tick $name }
proc to    {label} { asm "\tdw LBL_${label}-_f0\n" }
proc lbl   {label} { asm "LBL_${label}:\n" }

# «demos»  (to ".demos")

# How to run

set whichdemo [lindex $argv 0]
switch $whichdemo 0 {

  tick 2      ; run CON:                 ; asm "\tdd 2\n"
  tick SQUARE ; run    : DUP * \;
  tick CUBE   ; run    : DUP SQUARE * \;
  gtick DEMO  ; run    : 2 CUBE \;
  finalstuff engine0 engine0 x0 demo0

} 1 {

  tick &FOO  ;run AT:
  tick FOO!  ;run TO:
  tick FOO   ;run CON:  ;asm "\tdd 0x12345\n"
  tick S\$@, ;run    : S> COUNT 2DUP + >S \;
  tick  <.\"> ;run RSR:
  tick S<.\"> ;run    :  S\$@, TYPE \;
  tick  2<.\"> ;run RSR:
  tick S2<.\"> ;run    :  S<.\"> CR S<.\"> \;
  gtick DEMO   ;run    :  2<.\"> ;asm "\tdb 5, 'Hello'\n\tdb 5, 'There'\n"
               ;run       CR FOO FOO + FOO! \;
  finalstuff engine0 engine1 x1 demo1

} 2 {

  tick strlen  ;run C1:   ;asm "\nextern strlen\n\tdd strlen\n"
  tick 0<.\">  ;run RSR:
  tick S0<.\"> ;run    :  S> DUP strlen 2DUP TYPE + 1 + >S \;
  gtick DEMO   ;run    :  0<.\">     ;asm "\tdb 'Hello', 0\n"
	       ;run       CR 0<.\">  ;asm "\tdb 'There!', 0\n"
	       ;run       \;
  finalstuff engine0 engine2 x2 demo2

} 3 {

  tick strlen  ;run C1:   ;asm "\nextern strlen\n\tdd strlen\n"
  tick 0<.\">  ;run RSR:
  tick S0<.\"> ;run    :  S> DUP strlen 2DUP TYPE + 1 + >S \;
  tick LITW    ;run RSR:  : SGOBBLE2 \;

  proc 0.\" {dbstuff} { run 0<.\">  ;asm "\tdb $dbstuff\n" }
  proc lit  {w}       { run LITW    ;asm "\tdw $w\n" }

  tick BRANCH   ;run RSR: :  SBRANCH \;
  tick 0BRANCH  ;run RSR: : S0BRANCH \;
  tick YES/NO   ;run      :  0BRANCH    ;to  no  ;0.\" {'yes',10,0}
	                 ;run BRANCH    ;to  end
	                                ;lbl no  ;0.\" {'no',10,0}
		                        ;lbl end  ;run \;
  gtick DEMO  ;run :  ;0.\" {'Hello',10,0}
	              ;lit 22  ;run YES/NO
	              ;lit 0   ;run YES/NO
                      ;run \;
  finalstuff engine0 engine3 x3 demo3

} default {

  puts "Usage: tclsh [info script] \[0|1|2|3\]
       . [tmpdir]/crim1.sh"


# (find-fline "~/CRIM1/tclstuff" "arrset action \"''\"")
# (find-angg "CRIM1/crim1a-prims.tcl" "test:prims")
# (find-fline "~/CRIM1/")
# (find-fline "~/CRIM1/engine0.skel.c")
# (find-fline "/tmp/")
# (find-fline "/tmp/engine.c")
# (find-fline "/tmp/x.asm")
# (find-fline "/tmp/x.lst")
# (find-fline "/tmp/crim1.sh")

# print_vars
# doCfilestuff engine0.skel.c -
# doasmfilestuff -

#  Local Variables:
#  coding:               no-conversion
#  ee-anchor-format:     "«%s»"
#  ee-charset-indicator: "Ñ"
#  End: